Truth For Thee But Not For Me
While most political operatives relish the opportunity to highlight the skeletons held captive in the closets of those they oppose, they would, at the same time, keep the skeletons of their allies in the dark. Both political parties are guilty of this.
Boise Leaks will no doubt come under fire from conservatives for publishing a “leak” on Alex Barron. This will come on the heels of accolades from those very same conservatives lauding us for publishing documents highlighting suspicious behavior of Sen. Fred Martin, a Republican Senator who is widely reviled by conservatives and often referred to as a “Republican In Name Only” (RINO.)
In a recent Coeur d’Alene Press article, District 3 Senate Candidate, Alex Barron, claims our report is “opposition research.” Boise Leaks does not engage in opposition research. We do not endorse or oppose political candidates. We report items that the public may regard as material facts. The reports are written around documents submitted by readers who do almost all of the research themselves.
The real question at issue is: Does the public have the right to a full disclosure of material facts regarding a candidate for public office?
We think the voting public has a right to know and individuals have the right to make the decision as to what makes a fact material. Our modus operandi to to expose it all and let the public sort it out.
As the mainstream media continues to decay into nothing but propaganda outlets for a corrupt government – burying information that incriminates those it supports and sensationalizing information that incriminates those it opposes – it is now fallen to John Q. Public to pick up the torch. As political parties continue to value party loyalty over truth; as they continue to defend their own, regardless of the offense, it has fallen on the shoulders of Americans everywhere to illuminate the unseen.
Why The Anonymity?
It’s a violent world. All one has to do is turn on the nightly news to hear about how ANTIFA or a similar gang of organized thugs have used violence to further their agenda, often times with disastrous consequences for innocent bystanders.

ANTIFA is not alone in its tactics. Government, including national, state and local entities are notorious for using coercive tactics to silence dissent. A corrupt court system, the IRS, state tax or labor commissions, or various government law enforcement agencies are all now weaponized against the Truth and the citizens who promulgate it.

Unfortunately, anonymity is an absolute necessity for people wishing to shine the light on corruption and wrongdoing.
Boise Leaks “Under Investigation”
Imagine getting a notice in the mail telling you that you are delinquent in your rent payments and, instead of taking responsibility for your actions by simply paying your rent, you threaten the postman with an investigation.
Since publishing our initial reports on two prominent Republican North Idaho legislative candidates, the Kootenai County Republican Party has threatened Boise Leaks with an “investigation.” It has apparently become more important to find out who runs Boise Leaks than it is to demand full disclosure from a candidate, elected official or bureaucrat.
Attempts to blame Boise Leaks for their failure to police themselves is only going to be interpreted by the press and the public as an attempt to bury the truth.
Perhaps the Republican Party should turn its attention to investigating its own candidates before endorsing them or electing them to influential party positions.
Attempts to blame Boise Leaks for their failure to police themselves is only going to be interpreted by the press and the public as a devious attempt to bury the truth.
Help Us Help Idaho
Apathy and ignorance on the part of the public is the the biggest contributing factor as to why we have the reckless, incompetent, criminal government we have.
We encourage citizens, including government employees and elected officials to blow the whistle on corruption, non-disclosure, criminal activity and criminal history.
When one intrepid member of the electorate uncovers the truth, all of Idaho benefits.
Boise Leaks is strictly reader supported. Readers submit the information and, if it meets our standards, we publish it on the reader’s behalf.
Stop cursing the darkness – light a candle. Read our submission guidelines. If you have a “leak,” share it with Idaho.
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Sic luceat lux.